photo credit: Andy Lee
Research Interests: Very generally I am interested in contributing to research related to conservation and ecology. As lab manager of the MECU I get to help out with research involving many taxa and topics, and that suits me very well. The path that led me here began at the University of Calgary, in Alberta, Canada, where I earned my BSc and MSc in Ecology and participated in projects conducted by UofC grad students, Alberta Fish & Wildlife, Trout Unlimited, Parks Canada, the National Park Service, and the Calgary Zoo. My own project studied the phenotypic evolution of Alaskan threespine sticklebacks with Dr. Sean Rogers. While I learned a bit about those fish, the main lesson I learned was that I enjoy being "behind the scenes" and supporting my peers with their grand scientific plans. I moved to California in early 2017 in order to do just that!
Current Research Projects: A little bit of everything here at the MECU