Laboratory and bioinformatic services

(For quotes or to discuss your project, contact

I. Data generation (per-sample analyses):

Covering most wildlife species, we offer a wide range of genetic and genomic services ranging from laboratory analysis to bioinformatic processing.

Per-sample analyses of noninvasive and high-quality tissue sources

Service Sample types Markers Example applications
Species typing Fecal, hair, feather, tissue, blood mtDNA Occupancy, capture-recapture
Individual/sex-genotyping Fecal, hair, feather, tissue, blood SNPs, microsatellites Capture-recapture
Relatedness, familial relationships Fecal, hair, feather, tissue, blood SNPs, microsatellites Reproduction monitoring, behavioral ecology
Dietary analysis (metabarcoding) Fecal, ingesta mtDNA, chloroplast DNA Ecological studies

Genomic analyses and bioinformatic processing

Service Sample types Tasks Output
Whole genome sequencing Tissue, blood Library preparation, sequencing Sample-specific sequencing read files (fastq files)
Reduced representation sequencing Tissue, blood Library preparation, sequencing Sample-specific sequencing read files (fastq files)
Bioinformatic processing of sequencing reads   Trimming, alignment to reference genome (or deNovo), variant calling vcf/ped/map files


II. Marker development:

  • SNPs
  • microsatellites

III. Data analysis:

Most standard applications of genetic and genomic data.

IV. Research projects:

We frequently partner with federal, state, tribal, and private wildlife managers and field researchers, including at academic institutions, adding genetic and genomic capabilities and expertise to research teams.